Environmental Science

Environmental Science is a varied and diverse areas of science that is concerned with the natural world, careers in this area can related to water, air and soil pollution. You may find opportunities in government departments, the Environmental Protection Agency, in private companies or you may pursue consultancy setting your own working hours and conditions.

Natural & Social Science Professionals

Natural & Social Science Professionals design and develop research methodology in order to address objectives related to the natural world. They then conduct, compile and analyse data, prepare reports summarising their main findings and conclusions. Average salaries are just over £31,000 but with experience earnings can exceed £53,000.

Environmental Consultant

You may work for a consultancy firm undertaking field and desk research on environmental issues such as contamination, climate change and renewables.

Climate Scientist

Climate scientists study the influences on the Earth’s climate over time and how these might affect it in the future. You could work in a laboratory or at a university. Your working environment may be outdoors some of the time.

More environmental jobs

There are many different jobs in environmental science and things in this industry can change quickly. Why not explore some of the jobs in the sector now and see if there is anything that sparks your interest?

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