Helen Whittingham

Independent governor
Joined Board: 2023
Member of Search and Governance Committee

Helen has worked as a Finance senior manager in the Housing Sector for more than 20 years, with extensive experience at a leadership level. Helen is passionate about continuous learning and development and has held numerous non-executive positions both in the housing sector and education. Helen is currently a school governor at a special needs high school, a role that she find extremely rewarding. The role at Preston College will enable Helen to contribute to something that I truly believe in, the education and development for all. Helen is a member of the Search and Governance Committee.

Register or interest

Details of any directorshipsNone
Details of any employment by companies or organisations which are doing or seeking to do business with the CollegeNone
Details of any ownership or shareholdingsNone
Details of any paid or unpaid positions or connections with other educational institutionsSchool Governor – Egerton High
Details of any paid or unpaid public appointments or elections to officeNone
Details of any spouse, partner or other close family member with a direct financial interest in the supply of goods or services to the College, or a significant shareholdingNone
Details of any memberships of professional bodies and trade or other associationsCIMA (no connection)
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