Neil Fletcher

Independent Governor

Member of the Audit and Risk Committee and Search and Governance Committee

Joined Board: September 2024

Neil has over 36 years’ experience working in the NHS. Professionally he is a pharmacist and has held several senior leadership roles including Chief Pharmacist and Divisional Director of Operations for Diagnostic and Clinical Support Services, prior to his recent retirement.

He has been a school governor for over 20 years and is a member of the board at Hutton Church of England Grammar School and Sixth Form. During his career he has taught at the College on the Pharmacy Technician programme and lectured at Leeds University on pharmacy post graduate programmes.

Neil has previously chaired and been a trustee of West Lancashire County Scout Council and is a member of Preston Guild Rotary Club. He is a strong believer in the power of education and training and the benefits of offering the best to students.

Register of Interest

Details of any directorships
Details of any employment by companies or organisations which are doing or seeking to do business with the CollegeNone 
Details of any ownership or shareholdingsNone 
Details of any paid or unpaid positions or connections with other educational institutionsGovernor, Hutton Church of England Grammar School and Sixth Form
Details of any paid or unpaid public appointments or elections to officeHis Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service
Details of any spouse, partner or other close family member with a direct financial interest in the supply of goods or services to the College, or a significant shareholdingNone 
Details of any memberships of professional bodies and trade or other associationsRetired member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society

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