Congratulations on securing your place on your chosen course at Preston College. On enrolment, you will have received confirmation of your course start date, building and classroom number as well as the name of your Tutor via a SMS text. A week before your course begins, you will receive a reminder text with details on where to go on your first day at college.

Upon arrival, college staff and signs will be visible on the campus high street to help direct you to your allocated building. If you are unsure of where to go, please visit main reception where the location of your course will be visible on large screens.  


  • Adult & HE Centre (AH)
  • Health & Wellbeing (HW)
  • Main Building (MB)
  • Service Industries (SE)
  • Construction Skills Centre (CC)
  • ISTEM (ST)
  • Skills Development (SD)
  • Visual & Performing Arts (VP)

Finally, I would like to remind you that our focus and commitment is to support you to reach your potential and equip you with both the qualifications and skills that will enable you to succeed on your chosen pathway.

We look forward to welcoming you to Preston College.

Sign your learning agreement


To finalise your enrolment, you are required to sign your learning agreement prior to commencing your programme. Please click the button below to complete this process.

Sign your learning agreement


Welcome to Preston College. We are delighted you have chosen to join us as an adult learner, and we’re committed to making your time here both rewarding and enjoyable. This welcome guide is designed to provide you with everything you need to know, including essential information, key contact details, and an overview of our expectations to help you succeed.

Sign your learning agreement


We recognise that every day at college will contribute to your learning, and that every lesson attended will improve your chances of progressing to further study, CPD, or employment.

Our ‘Attendance Charter’ outlines your responsibilities and the college’s role in helping you succeed. While we encourage full attendance, we understand that challenges may arise. We’ll monitor your progress, celebrate positive attendance, and provide support if attendance drops below expectations.


Once you have accessed your Prospect account and signed your learning agreement, your next step is to generate your student ID. Your ID badge will be issued on your first day of learning and must always be worn on college premises at all times.


Dependent upon on your individual circumstances, we may be able to support you with some costs associated with your course in the form of a bursary. If eligible, you may receive a financial contribution for travel costs or childcare costs.

Due to the volume of bursary requests we receive, it is recommended that you submit a Bursary application as soon as possible, before your course starts. Our specialist team are also on hand to guide you through your options and to determine all available funding on 01772 22 5656.


We recognise that sometimes your circumstances and priorities may change over time; if we can offer any support or guidance to help you work through any potential perceived barriers to your study plans, then we welcome your call to discuss this on an individual basis. Please call us on 01772 22 5522 and we will direct you to an Advisor who will be able to help.

Places on our adult programmes are limited, therefore if your circumstances have changed and you are no longer able to commit to your programme, we ask politely that you notify us in advance of the start date of your course by emailing enrolment@preston.ac.uk so we are able to offer study opportunities to those that may be waiting for available spaces.

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